Twenty-Three National Campaigns Deployed Since 2010 - Join Us!
Join the Messaging Convention and Upgrade the User Worldwide

Proposed by APWG to its members in 2009, the Messaging Convention curates the global STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ public-awarenress campaign, the first-ever globally coordinated cybersecurity messaging suite to help all digital citizens stay safer and more secure online.
The slogan, logo and inital advisory suite, today managed by the non-profit STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention, were created by an unprecedented coalition of private companies, nonprofits and government agencies who recognized the power of a unified cybersecurity awareness messaging campaign compared to an uncountable number of uncoordinated efforts Read the Most Recent Campaign Footprint Report
Today, STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ has been deployed by hundreds of enterprises and NGOs worldwide. The campaign is employed as a national awareness campaign by national ministries and national-scope NGOs in:
National government ministries and national-scope NGOs of some 32 nations have signed agreements with the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention, Inc. and are developing their own national campaigns. Other governments and NGOs are working with the convention to integrate the campaign into their strategies this year and next.
Visit our STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™Global Campaign Deployment Partners page for updates on the advance of the campaign. Click on the following link to download the data sheet for the STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ global awareness campaign. Contact the campaign today at:
The APWG and the Washington, DC-based National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) led the effort in 2009 and 2010 to craft a unified online safety messaging scheme that could be adopted across public and private sectors. Today's campaign to propagate the STOP. THINK CONNECT.™ slogan and logo will achieve for online safety awareness what "Smokey Bear" did for forest fire safety and "Click It or Ticket" did for seatbelt safety. Read the chronology of the Convention's inception and development on the institutional history page.
The APWG and NCSA invite all commercial companies as well as NGOs and national and local government ministries to join the convention, one that is delivering a cybersecurity awareness messaging suite that is already deployed from Kyoto to Geneva.
The STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ campaign, with your help, will soon resonate across all retail sectors, all media and borders — providing globally unified cybersecurity awareness messaging that is broader, more penetrating and more effective than the instrumentation cybergangs use to menace citizens worldwide. All parties interested in participating in development of the campaign can contact the Messaging Convention at BENEFITS FOR NATIONAL CURATORS
Download the STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ campaign data sheet and join the campaign TODAY
Join & Upgrade the User Worldwide National Government ministries and national-scope NGOs that are ready to join the Convention and curate national campaigns should email: They can review the Memorandum of Understanding and a briefing sheet about campaign curator benefits
National campaign curators assemble stakeholders from business, government and NGO sectors and review our deployment resources page to organize their campaigns. Curators can send a note to for help recruiting a team with APWG members and correspondents
REVIEW THE OAS CAMPAIGN TOOLKIT This campaign development toolkit is designed to provide governments and any other organizations with guidance for developing a cybersecurity awareness campaign. This program was developed by a STOP. THINK. CONNECT. campaign co-founder and program architect and APWG sernior research fellow. 34 national CAMPAIGN CURATORS have joinedToday, the Messaging Convention's national-deployment campaign partners stretch from Geneva to Kyoto, with full deployments already established in: Mongolia, The Federal Republic of Nigeria, Armenia, France, Jamaica, Japan, People's Republic of Bangladesh, the USA, Switzerland and Spain.
Meanwhile, dozens of national ministries and national-scope NGOs are inspecting the Convention's national partner agreement, in order to launch their countries' own national STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ campaigns. With every enterprise and government that joins the Convention, the STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ campaign gets that much stronger. Do your part and join - or encourage your company, NGOs or national governments to join the Messaging Convention today.
Global/Hemispheric Campaign Partners PageNational ministries and national-scope NGOs in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, United States, Slovakia, Mongolia, France, Bangladesh, Canada, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay, Japan, Dominica, Ecuador, Jamaica, Spain, Switzerland have entered into agreements with the Messaging Convention to curate the campaign in their respective sovereignties. Read THE CAMPAIGN plan ISSUED by apwg in 2009 Download the prospectus issued by APWG in 2009 to launch the global Messaging Convention campaign and begin unification of cybersecurity messaging worldwide